The Best Private and Most Secure Cloud Storage Providers

Enda - The IT Guy
3 min read2 days ago
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Contrary to popular belief, the largest cloud storage providers are not always the most secure. Recent events, such as the Microsoft data breach involving over 38 terabytes of information, highlight that even major companies can have significant security flaws. This article will explore the best private and secure cloud storage providers available today.

What Defines a Private Cloud Storage Provider?

Privacy and security are the two primary factors that define a private cloud storage provider. Large companies, despite their resources, often fail to protect user data comprehensively. This is because they are massive targets for cybercriminals and have numerous potential points of failure. Smaller companies, in contrast, tend to manage security more effectively and are less appealing targets.

The Big Three to Avoid

When considering privacy, it’s important to recognize the top three cloud storage providers to avoid:

1. **Dropbox**: Known for its data breaches, including a 2012 incident where 68 million passwords were leaked and a 2022 phishing attack that exposed customer data.
2. **Microsoft OneDrive**: Notoriously insecure, with frequent mistakes due to the company’s large size.
3. **Google Drive**



Enda - The IT Guy

I am an author, tech angel investor exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets.