How Google RUINED the Internet

Enda - The IT Guy
3 min readJul 5, 2024

Or Maybe The Decline of Google’s Search Engine

Have you noticed that Google search results aren’t as helpful as they used to be? Once hailed as the greatest tool for retrieving information, Google now bombards users with AI-generated content, fake product reviews, and an overwhelming number of ads. The situation has deteriorated to the point where many people add “Reddit” to their search queries just to find genuine human-written content.

Recent studies confirm this decline. Pages that rank higher on Google are often not better optimized for search but more monetized with affiliate marketing and display lower text quality. Essentially, the higher a page ranks, the worse its content tends to be. This issue isn’t limited to Google; it’s a trend affecting all search engines, signaling a broader decline in internet quality.

The Evolution and Downfall of Google Search

Google’s journey began in 1998 when Sergey Brin and Larry Page introduced a revolutionary search engine initially called “Backrub,” later renamed Google. This new search engine utilized the web’s link structure to determine the most relevant pages with uncanny accuracy. Google quickly became synonymous with finding information efficiently.



Enda - The IT Guy

I am an author, tech angel investor exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets.