21 Tech Blunders That Changed The Industry Forever.

Enda - The IT Guy
4 min read6 days ago

21 shocking tech disasters.

Are you ready for some tech drama? Welcome to my rundown of the top 21 most painful tech fails of the past decade. From merely inadequate to outright catastrophic, these tech disasters left a mark on the industry. Spoiler alert: this list includes the first-ever 10 out of 10 fail.

1. LG Chloe (2018)

In 2018, LG attempted to revolutionize human-robot interaction with Chloe, a robot designed to manage your entire home. I was in the audience when they unveiled Chloe, and excitement quickly turned into cringe. When the presenter asked Chloe simple questions like, “What’s for dinner tonight?” and got no response, the audience’s laughter turned into embarrassment. LG Chloe earns a 2 out of 10 on the fail scale.

2. The Runcible (2016)

Defying conventional smartphone design, the Runcible was the world’s first circular smartphone. It featured wood construction and was fully user-upgradable for sustainability. However, it couldn’t make phone calls, rendering it essentially a small tablet with a 2.5-inch display. This impractical design leads to a 2 out of 10 rating.

3. Microsoft’s Tay (2016)



Enda - The IT Guy

I am an author, tech angel investor exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets. https://medium.com/@endasheridan