12 Best AI Tools for Business

Enda - The IT Guy
11 min readApr 22, 2023

And ChatGPT Is not on the list.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has unlocked a plethora of opportunities for businesses of all sizes, globally. AI has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing unprecedented insights and enabling greater efficiency in numerous business processes. Regardless of whether you are a solopreneur or the leader of a team, a wide range of AI tools can aid in streamlining your operations.

To help you navigate through the vast expanse of AI-powered tools, we have curated a list of the top 12 AI tools for businesses:

1. Neuraltext

Neuraltext has set its sights on revolutionizing the entire content creation process by leveraging the power of AI. This comprehensive suite of tools covers every aspect of content development, from inception to execution.

As an AI copywriter, it enables users to craft compelling copy for their campaigns, generating numerous variations of content. With over 50 templates available, creating persuasive content has never been easier.

The SEO content tools available on Neuraltext are perfect for creating well-researched…



Enda - The IT Guy

I am an author, tech angel investor exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets. https://medium.com/@endasheridan