10 Free AI Tools & Websites

Enda - The IT Guy
3 min readJul 3, 2024

That Actually Work

AI technology has advanced significantly, making it possible to generate unique brand names, create logos, convert text to speech, write social media captions, and much more with just a click. In this article, we’ll explore some free AI tools and websites that are incredibly useful and effective.

Thing Translator: Break Language Barriers

First up is Thing Translator, an AI experiment by Google. This tool allows you to point your camera at objects to hear how they are named in different languages. It uses Google’s Cloud Vision and Translate APIs. When you take a picture, the image is sent to the Cloud Vision API, which identifies the object and provides labels with confidence scores. The top label is then sent to the Translate API for translation. This tool supports multiple languages and is perfect for travelers. Plus, it’s browser-based, so you can use it on your laptop.

Name Lix: Generate Brand Names and Logos Effortlessly

Creating a new brand name and logo can be challenging. Name Lix simplifies this process. Just enter some industry-related keywords, select a style, and the AI will generate numerous brand names and logo ideas for you. It’s a great resource for entrepreneurs and business owners…



Enda - The IT Guy

I am an author, tech angel investor exploring innovation, information technology trends and markets. https://medium.com/@endasheridan